Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Report about the aviation bureau Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Report about the aviation bureau - Essay Example It provides air transport summary data, which is summary information about the nonstop segment and on-flight market. This is a report by air carriers on Form 41 and 298C (U.S Department of Transport, 2015). The bureau gives airline on-time performance data. The data accounts for at least one percent of domestic booked passenger revenues, which consist of scheduled and actual arrivals and departure times for flights, and it is reported monthly. Other services offered are as follows. Origin and Destination Survey (DB1B) which includes data of origin, destination, and other itinerary details of carried passenger and at least a sample of 10% airline tickets is taken from reporting carrier. American Travel Survey: it includes national data on the nature and features of long-distance personal travels. Aviation support: It provides comprehensive geographical data and carrier entities. Commodity Flow Survey: It is conducted in every five years and consists of shipment information. Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Database consist of national data table of passenger transportation terminals with information on connectivity among the various scheduled public transportation (U.S Department of Transport, 2015). Small Air Carrier Statistics is information on small carrier performance in booked or non-booked and charter services. Air carrier employees comprise of a number of employees of all major domestic air carriers. Aviation Accid ent Database and Synopses are database of unsafe civil aviation incidents within the state and in global water. Accidents summary is a brief of all annual fatalities, injuries, and accident of all air carriers. Finally, aviation safety reporting system is a collection of data sets relevant to aviation

Monday, October 28, 2019

Effects of Illegal immigration on Staffing Essay Example for Free

Effects of Illegal immigration on Staffing Essay Illegal immigration is the scenario where people travel from a different country and enter another country using false documents or means that and makes it hard for the authorities to trace those who do so. The level of illegal immigrants to developing countries like the USA has been increasing tremendously in the recent past causing increased debates about their causes and effects. The most outstanding effect of illegal immigration basically touches on cost of public service and labor thus forcing several states to enact policies that may ultimately in reducing the number of public services available to the immigrants. Their number of illegal immigrant to the US has been gradually increasing until it has made it hard for the authorities to ascertain exactly their numbers or their exact residences (Yoshida, 2000). Background A lot of inconsistencies exist between affluent and poor nations both in wages and employment opportunities and this is responsible for the mass influx of residents from poorer countries to wealthier countries like the US. This has resulted in the illegal immigration from the poorer developing and less developed countries causing the problem of labor importation to the host country. This research will focus and analyze the effects of illegal immigration on the income, labor, and the process of recruitment and selection of labor on the host country like the USA. It is also important to note that, a problem is created in the country of origin of the immigrants (Scullion Collings, 2006). The size of population in most poor countries usually exceeds the rate of employment and when this is coupled with political, ethnic and religious instabilities the rate of emigration is accelerated and this results in unending problems on the host country. Staffing is the process in which an organization acquires new and qualified employees to work in order to achieve their objectives and goals. This process entails among other steps replacement, recruitment and selection. Recruitment is usually done when jobs have been analyzed according to the tasks that have been performed and then writing them to suitable job descriptions. This requires the selectors to have basic knowledge on academic qualifications, skills and abilities of those to be selected and the undesired characteristics identified. When it comes to replacement of staff very critical questions are asked to the would-be employees with the help of expert consultants. It is necessary for the experts to handle the process professionally to ascertain the suitability of the job seekers (Dale, 2003). The most important sources of recruitment that may be used for global staffing include internal promotion and introductions, used of recruitment agencies and advertising especially the use of local and the international media. The firm that seeks to recruit individuals as their employees will always try their best to discrimination by race, sex among other forms and this will help in upholding their reputation. When they do this, they always ensure that the candidate they select meet all the requirements that qualifies them to be employed for the particular job that they seek. However, in the developed countries like the USA, there are a lot of illegal immigrants and this affects the recruitment and selection process to the extent that the concerned firm or company may have its reputation tainted. They will however be following what is required of them by the legislation since a country requires all people who work to pay taxes but in this case, the illegal immigrants will be a burden to the government since they do not pay any federal tax (Haines Rosenblum, 1999) Findings and Discussions It is apparently clear that illegal immigration has both positive and negative effects to the general economy and the process of staffing. It is important to note illegal immigration affects the country of origin and the country of destination but the effects are severe on both sides. In this research we are going to consider the United States as the country of destination and Mexico as the country of origin where people emigrate from. Statistics from the Pew Hispanic Center indicate that more than 50% of illegal immigrants in the U. S. originate from Mexico and they supply low-skilled labor to farmers and employers. It is clear that no formal steps and procedures of staffing are followed by the employers who higher the immigrants (Bean Vernez1989). The effects of this illegal immigration that were identified are as follows; burdens the tax-based resources, leads to shortage of labor in the country of origin, fake document mills, tax evasion, distortion of the law of demand and supply in a capitalistic market, drags down the compensation of workers welfare and negative effects on working and middle class citizens. The other effects of illegal immigrations that generally affect the economy and workers is the fact that it makes it hard for a country to raise the minimum wages, it makes the unscrupulous employers to pay alien in cash, increase in crime, overpopulation of the host nation, remittance of money to their country of origin, lack of government reimbursement and mortgage and loan fraud (Bean Vernez1989). It is however important to state that illegal immigration has some positive effects to the economy and includes; provision of cheap labor making harvesting in agriculture relatively cheap, increase of cash flow to retail business, increase in profits of auto insurers, creates a market pool for local foods produced, they purchase real estate, some of them may open bank accounts may make the bankers earn some revenue. Immigrants may also spur economic growth and provides better lifestyles to those enter the country illegally. It is noticeable therefore that illegal immigration has both negative and positive effects (Yoshida, 2000). This raises a very fundamental question whether those found as criminals for being in a country illegally with no valid documents should be judged considering the difficult times caused by the pressures of unemployment, lack of homes, poverty, disillusion, lack of education and low-paying jobs in their country of origin (Daugherty Kammeyer, 1995). As initially stated, illegal immigration causes shortage of labor in their home country because they prefer going to the developed countries. This will ultimately affect the economic growth of the country negatively because there is no labor force to drive the economy. Lack of labor will force the staffing agencies of those countries to lower the minimum job requirements so that they can be able to get the required employees to work for them. This lowers the credibility of the recruitment agencies and the human resource managers who are involved in global staffing. This may make a country to have poorly qualified staffs that do shoddy work and this will lead to poor performance of the economy and ultimate increase in poverty. Illegal immigration promotes brain drain; a situation where the best knowledgeable staff and educated move to other developed countries to look for ‘greener pastures’ for the careers. This will therefore affects the process of recruitment and selection in a negative way (Haines Rosenblum, 1999) Illegal immigration also has a direct effect on the tax-based resources due to the burden exerted by the illegal immigrant. In the United States, all people who work there are taxed by the federal government. Such money obtained as taxed are later used to improve other public facilities among them hospitals, schools among others. However, the government does not have clear-cut measures to ensure that those being treated in such hospitals or using other facilities are the true citizens. This will therefore lead to exerting too much pressure on the resources and may ultimately lead to provision of poor quality services to the genuine citizens. This may have a negative impact of on the labor productivity and the morale of the workers. When this happens, the work done by the citizens may not be well done basically because their esteem has been undermined. This will later make staffing encounter a lot of difficulties in trying to identify the best employees to be promoted since this is always done on the basis of customer performance. The affected organizations or firms may have to use other terms and methods to carry out various staffing processes and this will obviously taint the reputation of the recruitment agency since staffing ethics may not have been properly followed (Daugherty Kammeyer, 1995). This clearly indicates that illegal immigration by straining the resources has a direct impact on the performance of worker. It is clear that illegal immigration leads to an influx of workers to the country of destination like the United States. This will lead to a greater supply of jobs in the market more than it can be absorbed or taken in by the recruitment agencies who work on behalf of companies who are in need of employees. This will lead to the distortion of the law of demand and supply for labor in the market. This may happen in two ways: the first scenario is a situation where the immigrants provide cheap labor for whoever needs it. It is obviously certain that some firms and companies may lay off the workers in preference of the cheap labor in the market. By doing so, they will not have followed any ethics that entails the staffing procedures. The act of dismissing qualified workers with preference of employing those with lower qualifications does not entail any staffing ethics. This shows therefore how illegal immigration may negatively affect the process of recruitment and selection (LeMay, 2007). The other way in which the law of supply and supply is distorted happens especially when more qualified workers immigrate illegally to a country. This will force companies or firms to lay off its workers in preference of the more qualified workers. This automatically makes the companies to lower the minimum wage so as to indirectly discourage workers and some will later resign thus creating opportunities for the cheap labor. When they resign, employment opportunities are created and the human resource managers will rush for the cheap labor. When they do so, they staffers and recruitment agencies may not necessarily follow the correct staffing or recruitment procedures and in the long run, may negatively affect the reputation of global human resource and the entire process of staffing. This indicates that illegal immigration is a vice that must be avoided and checked at all cost (Adler Gielen, 2003). The United States has registered an increased crime in the border between it and Mexico due to a lot of immigrant who enter the two neighboring states. In most of those who enter illegally believe that New Mexico is part of Mexico itself and some even engage in cross-border crime and drug-trafficking as they try to enter the United States. Any crime and a rise of the same will obviously affect adversely the productivity of the citizens who have previously been enjoying the serenity of the working environment. It is important to note that the whole process of staffing is not done over-night. Some processes like promotion and selection may require the monitoring of the employee performance over a certain period of time. It may therefore happen that the period to review the employee performance was when there was rampant crime within the place of work or within the vicinity. The performance the employee at that time will obviously be poor and should any of the process of staffing be mandatory then the rules and regulation of such a process may not have to be necessarily followed. This therefore directly points out that the process of staffing is affected by illegal immigration due to the creation of crime (Haines Rosenblum, 1999). The existence of illegal immigrants in an economy makes it hard for the U. S government to raise the minimum wage required of any worker. It has been noted that the illegal immigrants on most occasions engage in menial jobs like maids and nannies where most Americans are not ready to offer their services. A further complicated scenario is when they work in industries and paid cheaply payment for the services rendered. In the event that the genuine residents of the United States demand any increase in their minimum wage, it would be rhetoric to do so because some cheap labor is available within the same market. Since this is part of the staffing process, such happenings may put staffers in a tight spot because those who would want to increase their revenue earnings will not at any time do so. They will therefore have failed to perform their duties of genuine staffing procedures and this may encourage development of bogus recruitment agencies that may not really care about the ethics of staffing. This will therefore affect the process of staffing negatively and this may further affect the performance of workers and a further effect on the entire human resource (Dale, 2003). Illegal immigration may lead to emergence of unscrupulous employers who may not pay them well. Since the immigrants are consciously aware of their crime of being illegally in the country, they virtually have no voice to press for compensation of damages due to injuries met at work. This is because of the fear that they may be traced, tracked and taken back to their country of origin. The workers are therefore left to perish with their own perils since their employers only want to profit themselves out of cheap labor. The workers in this case are not able to claim any compensation that may arise due to the tasks or work that they do. When such things happen, it is not usually part of staffing or human resource to deny the workers what is genuinely theirs and this may greatly affect the reputation of the staffing companies who may have been involved in the process of selection of the workers in question. This may further affect the compensation of other workers and the eventual work performance (LeMay, 2007). It is important to note that, workers are entitled to join workers and trade unions which may in turn help them in solving problems or issues that arise as it concerns their work. However, it is necessary to understand that workers are able to join such unions when they earn a certain minimum wage which may not be practically possible owing the fact that the illegal immigrants are in abundance and law of demand dictates that they be paid less so that the entire pool of workers may be absorbed. This therefore raises a problem of lack of enough voice to articulate for their rights and this affects even the genuine residents of a country. This is because their will be a seemingly large number of workers but when it comes to those who are dully represented a problem arises. This will therefore be negatively affecting the performance of the genuine immigrants and may influence the way their employers handle them. Any friction that may arise between the employer and employee may affect the work performance and any handling that does not favor the welfare of the worker will be unethical and against the basic expectations from a human resource manager. This will ultimately affect the process of staffing on one way or another (OECD, 2000). Illegal immigrants have their own problems in their home country and there is a possibility that they may transfer such problems to the host country. Such problems may include contagious diseases, overpopulation leading to traffic jam and infection of the genuine residents of a country. This will affect the productivity of workers and this may force the human resource managers to hire other workers to replace those who have fallen sick from infection. As it is usual, the process of recruitment and selection is always carried out after stipulated period of time by the human resource managers and not any arbitrary time. It therefore means that the affected company may be forced to re-adjust their schedule so as to replace the sick employees. it is apparently clear that during such time, the companies are desperately in need of quick labor force to replace the on that is missing (Adler Gielen, 2003). As they do this, it would be absurd to think that the process of recruitment and selection is properly followed and this affects the overall process of staffing. The negative effects of illegal immigration can not really be exhaustibly discussed. The other effect includes emergence of individuals who undertake the crime of providing illegal document (visas) to the illegal immigrants. Such people may end up providing documents to illegal immigrants who end up being terrorists who carry out attacks to the harmless citizens. Such attacks like that of 9/11 were carried by illegal immigrants and this has greatly affected the job market in different ways. First is the fact that it has led to the victimization of people of a particular race or origin. Such people may be subjected to unnecessary scrutiny by the authorities thus discouraging them from searching for jobs in the U. S market (Seltser, et al 1998). This may be an additional task to the recruitment agencies that carry out recruitment and selection of employees and may not be part of what they are supposed to do. This will ultimately affect the quality of staffing processes undertaken by global human resource managers who may be dictated to follow recruitment procedures that does not correlate with the staffing ethics. It therefore links illegal immigration, terrorism and staffing (Djajic, 2001). The second effect of terrorism linked to illegal immigration is that, the nation may end up losing personnel and expatriates needed to drive the economy. This usually happens when the country become too obsessed in fighting terrorism. People may also flee from a country for fear of further terrorist attacks and this will reduce the number of qualified employees that are needed. This may force the global human resource managers to lower the qualifications of the needed job so as to acquire the necessary people required to run the economy. This will ultimately distort the common professional techniques of carrying out interviewing and appraising of candidates which is essential for any recruitment process. It will render it hard to get the best people with the correct mental capabilities, motivation and prospective potentials. The other problem that arises due to illegal immigration is tax evasion and loan and mortgage default. This is because the immigrants do not have identification documents that may help in tracing them and eventual lose the money and also tax. The effect does not end there because those employees of the bank may lose their jobs or incur loses themselves since it is assumed that they should have taken thorough vetting of customers before releasing any funds to them. If this happens it may indicate recruitment process may not have been sufficiently done to acquire the best employees who cannot fall for the fraudsters or the defaulters in this particular case. This may require the organization, bank affected to recheck their methods of recruitment and selection in the future. It may also result in the loss of credibility of the recruitment agency that may have been used by the bank to acquire its employees. This will therefore influence the overall mode of staffing (LeMay, 2007). Despite the negatives results of illegal immigration however, there are positive aspects of the illegal immigration to the economy. The most obvious one is the provision of cheap labor to the industries and agriculture. Most immigrants who come from poor countries do menial jobs like maids, cultivating for the flowers and other jobs that residents of the United States may see it necessary for them to do so. This labor when also provided in farms is relatively cheaper than that of the qualified people who reside in that country. This will ultimately minimize the cost of production an ultimately raises the profits margins of the company or the farmer thus influencing growth positively (OECD, 2000). In relation to staffing, it will be realized that no formal recruitment is done when acquiring such form of cheap labor. This therefore shows that, illegal immigration has the positive effect of reducing the cost of recruitment and selection. This will reduce the cost of production and an overall rise in the revenue of the employer. As has been stated earlier, most of the illegal immigrants who are employed prefer cash payment for their work that they have done than the use of credit cards. This is simply because they want to avoid being tracked since it is very possible with the use of credit cards. The cash payment will increase cash flow in the retail business because they will make most of their purchases there. Increase in cash flow will mean that the business in question has made larger amount of sales and it leads to greater revenues and profits. The firm that has made profits may think of expanding its premises and this creates employment opportunities to other people who have skills in the market. The issue of staffing arises here since recruitment agencies may be called in to carry out the exercise and will be required to do so with diligence as to ensure that the best employees are chosen and that they will be able to serve in a better manner that will enhance the profitability and service delivery. It is clearly indicated that cash paid to the illegal immigrants directly or indirectly influence the employment opportunities for other workers in the economy (Djajic, 2001). Immigrants who move to another country though illegally provide a larger market for the locally produced goods. This is because their living standards will improve compared to their home country. This will obviously spur economic growth of the entire nation with increase in the level of growth. This includes creation of a variety of job opportunities to all the people in that country. A further positive aspect that illegal immigration may bring is the purchase of real estate by the immigrants. They may also buy vehicles and this will enhance the growth of the insurance industry. Growth will obviously include the increase in the number of workers in the industry in question and this will influence staffing just as discussed in the cases studied initially. Illegal immigration is a complex issue but we cannot assume that it has no solution (Brings, 1984). The government of the United States and that of Mexico should start by imposing hefty fines to those found in the crime of illegal immigration and the money that is collected should be used to implement efficient security at the border. When this is done, those planning to do so will be discouraged because they will obviously not be able to pay and the only option they will have are to use genuine means to gain entry to the United States. We should not always assume that is cheap but rather have this in mind that it is a source of problems that are very harsh to the economy. Most immigrants in Mexico come over illegally or from other countries in search for jobs in the United States and they prefer the low pay in the United States than a relatively well paying job in their country of origin like Mexico (Seltser, et al 1998). Conclusion The process of staffing constitutes recruitment and selection of the best qualified personnel with the use of the best ethics in acquisition of employees. This is usually done by global human resource managers or recruitment agencies on behalf of companies or individuals and it is their duty to ensure that the best recruitment procedures are followed so as to obtain the qualified personnel (Scullion Collings, 2006). However, illegal immigration has brought in a lot of problems that affect the quality of the recruitment procedures. As it has been seen in this research, illegal immigration may affect the process of staffing in several ways chief among them, shortage of labor in the country of origin, increase in crime that lead to lowered self esteem of the workers, and distortion of the law of demand and supply. In addition to this there is a further use of public facilities like hospitals and schools in excess of what they may be able to do so. This results in influencing the attitude of workers towards work. It has also been reported that there is increased crime, smuggling of goods and drug trafficking between the border of Mexico and the United States (Lee, 1996). It is however important to not that that illegal immigration has some positive effects and this may include the provision of cheap labor to companies and individuals by lowering the operational cost thus enhancing the market revenue. The laborers also provide ready market for the very local goods that may have otherwise have been wasted and this will influence labor supply in one way or the other. Anything that influences labor supply also influences how and when the recruitment and selection process is carried out (Brings, 1984). Furthermore, it determines how best the ethics have been executed since the greater the degree of ethics that been followed the better the staffing procedures and one is sure to get the best qualified employee out of the others. It is apparently clear that the past history of illegal immigration has been pronounced and has affected the process of economic growth in one way or the other in the United States and Mexico. The effects extend up to affecting the quality of labor in the market and unequal economic growth between the two countries. It is necessary therefore for the leaders of the nations affected to put up measures that will end up this vice once and for all. Illegal immigration is also rampant in Europe evidenced by the number of ships originating from Africa but are regularly arrested though some are unfortunately drowned in the event that they meet strong waves and tides of the sea. This problem can be solved by ensuring that the mother nations have improved economy so that its citizens may not see the need to immigrate to other well developed countries (Seltser, et al 1998). References: Adler, L. L. Gielen, U. P (2003). Migration: Immigration and Emigration in International Perspective. Greenwood Publishing Group. Bean, F. D Vernez, G. (1989). Opening and Closing the Doors: Evaluating Immigration Reform and Control. The Urban Insitute Publishers. Brings, V. M (1984). Immigration Policy and the American Labor Force. Johns Hopkins University Press Dale, M. (2003). Managers guide to recruitment and selection. Kogan Page Publishers. Djajic, S. (2001). International Migration: Trends, Policy and Economic Impact. New York. Routledge Publishers Daugherty, H. G Kammeyer, K. C. W (1995). An Introduction to Population Guilford Press. Haines, D. W Rosenblum, K. E (1999). Illegal Immigration In America: A Reference Handbook. Greenwood Publishing Group.. Lee, R. D (1996). Local Fiscal Effects of Illegal Immigration: Report of a Workshop Compass Series. National Academies Publishers. LeMay, M. C (2007). Illegal Immigration: A Reference Handbook Contemporary World Issues. ABC-CLIO Publishers. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2000). Combating the Illegal Employment of Foreign Workers: International Migration. National Academies Publishers. Seltser, B. J. , Rezmovic, E. L. Stolz, B. A (1998). Illegal Immigration: Southwest Border. DIANE Publishing Scullion, H. Collings, D. G. (2006). Global Staffing. New York. Routledge Publishers. Yoshida, C. (2000). Illegal Immigration and Economic Welfare. Springer. .

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

In the last 40 years, media influence has grown fast with the today`s advance technology. First there was a radio, then a newspapers, magazines, television and now there is a radical type of connection which has revolutionized the whole world that is the internet. Media is a way for the members of the society to keep themselves informed about what is happening and/or what will happen all around the world while they are staying at home, work or even on a vacation. It is also can be considered as one of the major source of entertainment. Media technology and communication is necessary in our day to day activities, playing major role in our lives such as education, migrant, personal relationship, job expansion, marketing of new products and services etc. internet has given us a lot of confidence on those media tools which have kept us close to and up to date to what is happenings around the world such as entertainment, educational activities, world wide political issue, global news, foreign market activities. It has proven studies and research that the media significant negative impact on our daily lives, especially young people under the age of 18 by watching movies and games violence. Until the mid of the last century most adolescents spend their free time together with adults so most of their behaviour and activities of this social group are to be monitored by the adult surrounding them. so teenager get the abilities they need in society to get well-integrated. Until that time parents, brothers, sisters and relatives were the most important examples for adolescents and children. After the developing of technology mostly everything has been changed this had effects on the social behavior and relationships of young people. The ... ...hough media is linked with spreading fake news. Also strengthen public relations with the young generation and continuous communication and exchange of ideas and opinions, including, for example, communicate via messages, pictures, or Videos through the Internet using some programs such as facebook or Twitter. Media nowadays is influencing all people almost every hour of everyday. It is an unbelievably strong force that has very few limitations. The force of media is changing the way we live our life, it seems that no one can go a whole day without knowing what exactly is going on around the world. Like it or not, media is more influential than the President and will continue to be until the world is changed. Indeed there is a negative effect of media as much as its positive one but its all depends on you and how you want it to affect you and the people around you. Essay -- In the last 40 years, media influence has grown fast with the today`s advance technology. First there was a radio, then a newspapers, magazines, television and now there is a radical type of connection which has revolutionized the whole world that is the internet. Media is a way for the members of the society to keep themselves informed about what is happening and/or what will happen all around the world while they are staying at home, work or even on a vacation. It is also can be considered as one of the major source of entertainment. Media technology and communication is necessary in our day to day activities, playing major role in our lives such as education, migrant, personal relationship, job expansion, marketing of new products and services etc. internet has given us a lot of confidence on those media tools which have kept us close to and up to date to what is happenings around the world such as entertainment, educational activities, world wide political issue, global news, foreign market activities. It has proven studies and research that the media significant negative impact on our daily lives, especially young people under the age of 18 by watching movies and games violence. Until the mid of the last century most adolescents spend their free time together with adults so most of their behaviour and activities of this social group are to be monitored by the adult surrounding them. so teenager get the abilities they need in society to get well-integrated. Until that time parents, brothers, sisters and relatives were the most important examples for adolescents and children. After the developing of technology mostly everything has been changed this had effects on the social behavior and relationships of young people. The ... ...hough media is linked with spreading fake news. Also strengthen public relations with the young generation and continuous communication and exchange of ideas and opinions, including, for example, communicate via messages, pictures, or Videos through the Internet using some programs such as facebook or Twitter. Media nowadays is influencing all people almost every hour of everyday. It is an unbelievably strong force that has very few limitations. The force of media is changing the way we live our life, it seems that no one can go a whole day without knowing what exactly is going on around the world. Like it or not, media is more influential than the President and will continue to be until the world is changed. Indeed there is a negative effect of media as much as its positive one but its all depends on you and how you want it to affect you and the people around you.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Preventing Abortion

Abortion should be prevented Why deny someone a well-deserved life? Abortion is one of the topics that cause more victims in the world, the decision to make it legal or illegal is discussed in several countries and even religious entities. I feel abortion can be prevented because of all the resources that are available today. Depriving someone the chance to live will not fix the problems you have in life, actually it will appear fixed but guilt and consequences will always be part of your life. Having an abortion is mostly a women’s decision, but some circumstances force them to make these decisions.Having an abortion can have several consequences such as depression and stress. Family members involved can have mental instability. The act of abortion is almost always accompanied by suffering. Women who practice it experience emptiness, regret and even sadness. Consciously they may find an immediate solution and a relief for that moment. The most unfortunate consequence, dependi ng on the circumstances in which the abortion was done, may be putting their life in risk and also the risk of not being able to become pregnant again.Awareness is important when having unprotect sexual relations, not only because of undesired pregnancy, but also because of getting sexually transmitted diseases. Today resources are available to protect an undesired pregnancy, including information, medications, birth control and condoms, so this way, the only type of abortion performed are those that could not be prevented, such as rape victims, saving a mother’s life or when the unborn child would have a disease, mental or physical, that would allow them to not have a healthy life.Most discussions about abortion are because of the belief that life begins at conception; however this belief does not have support of medical science or religion traditional. Before Christians did not view abortion as a murder until the conception, which their belief was that a soul enter the body at 40 to 80 days after conception. But later they started to believe that life begins at conception.There are many different points of view about abortion, for example, men and woman will see it differently, education level, marital status, religion, political etc. As a partial solution to reduce abortions, even more resources should be provided to the population. Governments should work together with schools to provide even more healthy and sex information to teenagers so undesired pregnancies would be prevented, reducing the number of abortions and social problems.The Governments should also make more programs available such as school aids, healthy care, and cash assistance that gives women the incentive to keep their children and motivate them to provide as mothers. The government needs to keep finding more ways and resources to prevent unintended pregnancies. Class requirements should be implemented and rules should be loosened to allow teenagers to familiarize themselves with the consequences of unprotected and premarital intercourse.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How important are parents in a child’s life? Essay

Parents How important are parents in a child’s life? In my opinion, parents are extremely important in the raising of a child. Without the presence of a parent, a child will have a very difficult time growing up. There are essential things that a child has to be provided with. Those needs, I classified them into three important categories: Love Love is absolutely necessary in a good parent-kid relationship. It helps form stronger and better relationships. Things that parents do out of love will make kids appreciate them more. A lot of times discipline lessons, though sometimes harsh, are included in the â€Å"love package†. Kids may not appreciate this right away, but in the long run they will realize their mistake and they will be thankful for those few slaps across the butt or the face. Most of the time a little discipline is all you need to make sure that kids stay on the right road in life. Support Kids need support in order to survive in the â€Å"real world†. Parents are the only ones that can give them support in the arising of their lives. Kids will need emotional support to face some of the problems earlier in their life, because of sheer lack of experience. Not knowing how to solve some of the life’s problems would only help them get hurt. That’s when the parents play the key role in their life. Parents can talk one-on-one with their children, with patience and understanding. This is very important. When a child needs advice, or needs to open up, it is very important for parents to be wise and understanding. Criticism and getting mad will never bring closeness between a parent and a child. Another example of support is financial. Financial support is something not all parents can give, but if they can do it, then it would really help the kid. When I say financial support I do not mean giving them spending money any time they ask for it. What I mean is more like money for school activities and funds for later  education in their life. This will give them many opportunities as they go through life. It is up to the children to take advantage of those opportunities. Sacrifice Good parents sacrifice many things in order to provide for their kids. Sometimes they will miss an important social event just so that they could stay home and help their kids with the homework or they would get off early from work, despite the managers warning, so that they would be at their kid’s game and cheer them on. Some people would call this sacrifice, but I say they are wrong. It is a good investment in a relationship. Kids will grow up appreciating their parents. I could not imagine a parent-kid relationship without love, in my opinion it would not be a relationship. Kids without support would be like young plants without a pole for support, they would just fall over and dry out. Sacrifice from the parent’s side helps kids realize that there will always be someone at their side when they need them. In conclusion I think that these three categories are a must for a parent.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Epigenetics

Essay on Epigenetics Essay on Epigenetics Essay on Epigenetics  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Epigenetics is the study of cellular and physiological traits that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence but they are triggered by chemical reactions that activate and deactivate parts of the genome and in specific locations. Therefore, epigenetics is the study of chemical reactions and factors that influence them. Hypothetically, epigenetics has the huge potential in terms of the uncovering genetic development of organisms, including humans, and the impact of chemical reactions that occur under the impact of various factors and affect genome activation and deactivation in specific locations. In this regard, further studies and development of epigenetics is essential but the impact and role of epigenetics should not be overestimated to make findings in this field applicable in the modern science, especially medicine and health care services.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this regard, the develop ment of epigenetics opens new perspectives for the further study of cancer prevention. The problem of the cancer prevention is one of the most challenging in the modern society because cancer involves cell mutations. Cell mutations involve transformations that eventually result in the development of cancer. Therefore, cancer is triggered by cellular mutations, which nature is unclear and researchers focus on the study of the development of effective mechanisms of forecasting of such mutations. To put it more precisely, current studies cannot explain why mutations occur and what factors are determinant for the mutation of cells. Factors that trigger cell mutation are not absolutely clear.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The emergence of the epigenetics helps to develop effective mechanisms of forecasting of possible cell mutations. To put it more precisely, epigenetics creates conditions for understanding mechanism of cell mutations. Cell mutations occur under the impact of chemical reactions that lead to changes and mutations in cells. As epigenetics studies those chemical reactions that trigger activation or deactivation of genomoe, then the study of those chemical reactions and their impact on genome can also help to uncover how various chemical reactions influence cell mutations.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, epigenetics can help to find out factors that influence specific chemical reactions, including those which cause cell mutations leading to the development of cancer in patients. In such a way, epigenetics open new horizons for scientific studies in the field of cancer study. At any rate, epigenetics can definitely help to understand better causes and mechanism of development of cancer and identify the major risk factors that cause cell mutations.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, it is important to assess the potential of epigenetics adequately. For example, in case of the cancer treatmen t, the impact of epigenetics is currently overestimated frequently. To put it more precisely, epigenetics opens new opportunities for better understanding of causes of cancer and factors that can become drivers of irrevocable changes at the cellular level. However, epigenetics does not and cannot offer the universal remedy for the treatment of cancer. Instead, epigenetics just gives insights into better understanding of roots of the problem.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scientists, in their turn, should keep working on the treatment of cancer using the new knowledge brought into the modern science by epigenetics. The understanding of causes of the disease and revelation of risk factors can help scientists to elaborate effective methods of the prevention of the disease as well as find effective approaches to its treatment. For example, focusing on risk factors and main driving forces of the development of cancer, scientists can develop new remedies and methods of treat ment of cancer that minimize the impact of risk factors and drivers causing the disease. The expansion of scientific knowledge of cancer can help to understand the most effective ways of its prevention and treatment.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At the same time, epigenetics and its contribution to the treatment and prevention of cancer should not be overestimated. In fact, epigenetics is not a miraculous science that will provide health care professionals with a magical pill that will cure all patients from cancer. Even now, at the current level of the development of medicine and epigenetics, it is clear that cancer is a complex health problem that emerges under the impact of multiple factors (True Lindquist, 2000). Moreover, there are no universal cases of the development and treatment of cancer. Instead, each case is unique, in its own way. Therefore, it would be an error to expect the universal remedy or method of the prevention of cancer, a sort of vaccine again st cancer, from the further development of epigenetics.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nevertheless, the positive impact of epigenetics on the development of medicine and treatment of cancer is obvious. In fact, epigenetics allows having a deeper view on roots of cancer and cell mutations. This is why this information may be useful for researchers, who study the problem of cancer, its development, treatment and prevention. Epigenetics can provide scientists with valuable information about cancer and cell mutation. More important, epigenetics uncovers specific chemical reactions and their impact on genome and, therefore, cell response on those chemical reactions. The study of such responses may help to uncover new properties of cells that can be used further in the treatment of cancer or in the prevention of the disease.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At the same time, the potential and scope of epigenetics should not be narrowed down to the problem of cance r alone. In fact, epigenetics opens wide opportunities to enhance studies in the field of medicine, biology, zoology and other fields of science. In some directions, epigenetics can help to make a breakthrough in the development of some fields of science. This is why one should never narrow the scope and potential of epigenetics. The understanding of chemical reactions and genome activation and deactivation are extremely important for understanding of fundamental principles of the development of living beings and their functioning in the course of their existence.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At the same time, whatever the development of epigenetics leads the science to, one’s longevity depends not only on scientific findings but also on personal choices and lifestyle. To put it more precisely, the longevity and quality of life depends on the lifestyle of individuals. If they lead a sedative lifestyle, they are more likely to develop various health problems. On the contrary, active lifestyle leads to the minimization of risks of the development of serious health problems.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus, the development of modern science should come hand in hand with personal consciousness and understanding of the importance of the healthy lifestyle as one of the effective ways of prevention of the development of serious health problems. In this regard, findings in such fields as epigenetics are helpful for the prevention of such diseases as cancer but, overall, it is the individual, his/her environment and lifestyle that determine, to a significant extent his/her physical condition.

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom Experiment Planning essay

buy custom Experiment Planning essay 1.0Introduction The design that an experiment follows is influenced by two main factors; the total number of factors under investigation and the set objectives for the experiment. In order to answer any question regarding experimental design, it is necessary to come up with an effective example of the experiment. In connection with this, this experiment used various examples e.g. an experiment that was conducted by a technologist who tried to evaluate the consumption of fuel in different buses M and N. 2.0 Objectives In the choice of the number of objectives to cover, the experiment used three objectives. A researcher must deal with an achievable number of objectives. This enables the researcher to direct their energy to the key priorities of the experiment. More than three objectives are often too many to be achieved in a single experiment (Donaghy, 2003). In making a decision of the number of objectives, it was necessary to evaluate the different choices of objectives in experimental design. Though this varied, the most distinctive type were the comparative objective where the experiment deals with either one or more than one factor with the aim of making a conclusion on one of the factors (Charles, 2002). Measurement of the objectives of the experiment can take a two fold. At one hand, the experiment can decide to use quantitative measurements to evaluate the experiment. This are often measured using numbers. The quantitative measurements often evaluate the outcomes through figures. Time and budget are used under this form of measurement. On the other hand, a researcher might decide to use qualitative measurements to measure the objectives. The qualitative measurements are used when the experiment results cannot be stated in terms of units. The measurements are stated in terms of qualitative words such as good and bad. In the experiment, the researcher chooses to use a combination of both quantitative and qulitative measurements. 3.0 Evaluation Criteria In choosing a criterion for evaluation, and their quality characteristic, the researcher chooses to use the following procedure. The first criterion was to gauge the ability of the objective to be accomplished within a given time frame. If possible, the objective should go as far as state its end date e.g. by 2030, the level of poverty in the country should have reduced by a half. By working with a specific deadline, objectives become realistic and incorporate foresight. The main aim of designing an objective is to create a guiding framework towards the achievement of the goal. Thus, one criterion of evaluating the objective is to weigh it by relating it to a goal. If the objective does not lead to a specified goal, then, the objective is ineffective. For instance, if the goal is for the citizens to access quality health services, then one of the objectives can be for the hospital to purchase new hospital equipments and provide staff training for better provision of services. The objective directly relates to the set goal. Another criterion of evaluating the effectiveness of the objective can be accessing the number of outcomes that each objective links with. Each objective should only link to one outcome. Objectives which directly relates to more than one outcome are ineffective and often stated in ambiguous terms. Such objectives are unrealistic and often cannot be achieved. Also, the effectiveness of an objective lies in its ability to be written in certain measurable terms. It should clearly answer the question on how or to what extent the experiment was achieved? Clarity and simplicity should be the guiding factors to the effectiveness of any objective. When the objectives are clear and simple, they are well understood and they guide the experimenters in achieving the set objectives. In another criterion, though the objectives should be directed to certain end results, they should only clarify the when and what without going into the details of how and why. Every objective should possess the SMART characteristics i.e. it should be specific, measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Timed (Boughton, 2002). 4.0 Experimental factors On the question of the factors to incorporate in the experiment, the researcher will use the case of the technologist. It is wise to construct a design with two or more factors. Each of the factors should have a probable result or value (Barker, 1998). The values to be experimented should add up if combined at different levels of the factor. If a technologist is evaluating the consumption of fuel in different buses M and N. He will need to use different speeds e.g. 600 and 700. The experiment comprises of four variables. Bus M at 600, Bus N AT 700. Bus N at 600 and Bus M at 700. From above, the four factors have to be incorporated in the study. All the factors are necessary because they facilitate the inaccuracy or the error to be calculated in two different ways. This principle in the design of the experiment enables the replication of results. In dealing with the variables there is a probable tradeoff between the factors. The principle of probability helps in the random interchange of variables (Weiss, 2010). This reduces bias and increases the objectives of the experiment. 5.0 Conclusion As seen above, the design of an experiment comprises a perquisite tool to the success of any experiment. It provides a guiding framework through which a researcher concentrates on planning the actual experiment. Experiments require a procedural approach often accomplished through an effective design. Therefore, before creating the actual experiments, it is important to create a clear set of objectives. It is also necessary to clarify the factors that the experiment will be dealing with, alongside the set objectives. Buy custom Experiment Planning essay

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Role of Islam in African Slavery

The Role of Islam in African Slavery Slavery has been rife throughout all of ancient history. Most, if not all, ancient civilizations practiced this institution and it is described (and defended) in early writings of the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians. It was also practiced by early societies in Central America and Africa. The Quran prescribes a humanitarian approach to slavery: free men could not be enslaved, and those faithful to foreign religions could live as protected persons, dhimmis, under Muslim rule (as long as they maintained payment of taxes called Kharaj and Jizya). However, the spread of the Islamic Empire resulted in a much harsher interpretation of the law. For example, if a dhimmi was unable to pay the taxes they could be enslaved, and people from outside the borders of the Islamic Empire were considered an acceptable source of slaves. Although the law required owners to treat slaves well and provide medical treatment, a slave had no right to be heard in court (testimony was forbidden by slaves), had no right to property, could marry only with permission of their owner, and was considered to be a chattel, that is the (moveable) property, of the slave owner. Conversion to Islam did not automatically give a slave freedom nor did it confer freedom to their children. Whilst highly educated slaves and those in the military did win their freedom, those used for basic duties rarely achieved freedom. In addition, the recorded mortality rate was high this was still significant even as late as the nineteenth century and was remarked upon by western travelers in North Africa and Egypt. Slaves were obtained through conquest, tribute from vassal states, offspring (children of slaves were also slaves, but since many slaves were castrated this was not as common as it had been in the Roman empire), and purchase. The latter method provided the majority of slaves, and at the borders of the Islamic Empire vast number of new slaves were castrated ready for sale. The majority of these slaves came from Europe and Africa there were always enterprising locals ready to kidnap or capture their fellow countrymen. Black Africans were transported to the Islamic empire across the Sahara to Morocco and Tunisia from West Africa, from Chad to Libya, along the Nile from East Africa, and up the coast of East Africa to the Persian Gulf. This trade had been well entrenched for over 600 years before Europeans arrived, and had driven the rapid expansion of Islam across North Africa. By the time of the Ottoman Empire, the majority of slaves were obtained by raiding in Africa. Russian expansion had put an end to the source of exceptionally beautiful female and brave male slaves from the Caucasians the women were highly prized in the harem, the men in the military. The great trade networks across North Africa were as much to do with the safe transportation of slaves as other goods. An analysis of prices at various slave markets shows that eunuchs fetched higher prices than other males, encouraging the castration of slaves before export. Documentation suggests that slaves throughout Islamic world were mainly used for menial domestic and commercial purposes. Eunuchs were especially prized for bodyguards and confidential servants; women as concubines and menials. A Muslim slave owner was entitled by law to use slaves for sexual pleasure. As primary source material becomes available to Western scholars, the bias towards urban slaves is being questioned. Records also show that thousands of slaves were used in gangs for agriculture and mining. Large landowners and rulers used thousands of such slaves, usually in dire conditions: of the Saharan salt mines, it is said that no slave lived there for more than five years.1 References Bernard Lewis ​Race and Slavery in the Middle East: An Historical Enquiry, Chapter 1 Slavery, Oxford Univ Press 1994.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Marketing Practice For Unsigned Independent Artists And Their Essay

The Marketing Practice For Unsigned Independent Artists And Their Music - Essay Example However, McCarthy (1987) prefers a more explicit explanation ÃŽ ¿f the marketing mix, suggesting that the mix is "a set ÃŽ ¿f controllable variables which the organization puts together to satisfy a target group." A representative marketing mix involves a product provided at a price, combined with some level ÃŽ ¿f promotion to attract potential customers, along with a way (a "place") to meet those customers (McCarthy, 1987). In service marketing, McColl-Kennedy and Kiel (2003) identify three extended elements for marketers. In addition to the traditional 4 Ps, McColl-Kennedy and Kiel (2003) stress the core role ÃŽ ¿f people in a service industry, including both employees and customers or potential customers. Additionally, the service process and physical evidence take on additional importance in service industries. All process can produce best results for the marketing of unsigned independent artists and their music. Kotler defines the product as a combination ÃŽ ¿f goods and service s (Kotler et al, 2001). Given the service focus ÃŽ ¿f their work, McColl-Kennedy, and Kiel (2003) define a product more generally. They term a product merely as a bundle ÃŽ ¿f attributes--some tangible, some intangible--offered to a buyer by a seller.Marketing and management theorists agree on the simple concept ÃŽ ¿f price.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Analysis of USAs Climate Change policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Analysis of USAs Climate Change policies - Essay Example Among the greenhouse gasses, the most potent are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N20) and these are results of anthropogenic climate change ( Recognizing the hazard that greenhouse gases have and that these climate changes are anthropogenic, there have been efforts from around the world to address the problems. One of these is the Kyoto Protocol. It is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (UNFCCC). "While the convention encourages industrialized nations to stabilize GHG emissions, the protocol commits them to do so" (UNFCCC). The Kyoto protocol states that the Parties included in Annex I shall pursue limitation or reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol from aviation and marine bunker fuels. Therefore, the parties in Annex I are expected to enact policies and measures necessary to minimize the adverse social and economic impact of climate change (UNFCCC) The protocol identified 3 mechanisms of reducing greenhouse gasses aside from the individual national measures. ... "The Kyoto Protocol is generally seen as an important first step towards a truly global emission reduction regime that will stabilize GHG emissions, and provides the essential architecture for any future international agreement on climate change" (UNFCCC). USA's Proposals and Policies Unfortunately, even after sending delegations to the Kyoto Protocol, "the United States steadfastly refuses to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and actively works against the efforts of the world community to reach its full implementation" (KyotoUSA). Since USA alone emits 25% of the world's greenhouse gasses, its failure to support the Kyoto Protocol would mean that the goal of dramatically reducing green house gasses is unlikely to happen (KyotoUSA). Observing USA's dwarfism in airing its own concerns during the talk is such a humiliating, childish behaviour. The conference was supposed to be meeting of concerned countries to draft a solution to a dire worldwide problem. The protocol is supposed to be a commitment of each country involved to each and every stipulation made, but USA did otherwise, stating that the world's problem on anthropogenic climate change cannot be solved by just one treaty. The joint implementation might have been offensive to the US government, given that it would require them to pay for an extra GHG emission, revealing the country's fear of not being able to reduce greenhouse gasses below the limit. This is such an obvious weakness and USA cannot just fool other countries with this. The USA delegation presentation to post-Kyoto talk reveals that the delegation, together with the previous US administration believes that "the Kyoto (protocol) is structurally incapable of delivering the reductions in GHGs so desperately

Classification of Accounting Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Classification of Accounting Systems - Essay Example (Shalin and Alan, 1999). The main differences between the two systems is in terms of reasoning and degree of complexity. The deductive approach considers a priori theory based on knowledge or beliefs of the classifier while the inductive approach infers the general from the particular. It is data driven, considers large number of countries and rules and generates categories by making use of statistcs. Muller's classification system as cited by Gray(1998) states that the deductive approach is based on four distinct approaches to accounting development in western nations with market oriented economic systems including: This system was extended by Nobes who adopted a structural approach to the identification of accounting practices and assessed major features including the use of conservative accounting, the importance of tax rules, the strictness of application of historical costs, the making of replacement cost adjustments, the use of consolidation techniques the generous use of provisions, and uniformity between companies in application of rules. (Shalin and Alan, 1999). Although the deductive approach is very broad, it fails to take into consideration the effects of culture in the classification. There was also a failure in the methods used to obtain the groupings. (Shalin and Alan, 1999; Gray, 1998). According to Roberts et al, the classification systems under the inductive approach are as follows: Use of price water house data; Da Costa et al's study; Nair and Frank's Study; D'Arcy's Stucy; Having outlined the classification systems under the inductive approach, the paper will now give a more detail discussion of Nair and frank's study. In the inductive approach statistical analysis were carried out by Nair and Frank in which they analysed accounting practices in forty four countries using data from price water house coopers. in the course of their study, a distinction was made between measurement and disclosure practices. Five groups were identified in terms of measurement while seven groups were identified in terms of practice. An attempt was made to study the relationship of the groups with independent variables. there was no signicant relationship between disclosure practices and culture as well as between disclosure and economic variables. there was also no significant relationship

Thursday, October 17, 2019

English Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

English Assignment - Essay Example Due to the dynamic nature of dancing, many dance films were created to show the complexities in the lives of dancers, as well as how their lives were shaped or changed through dancing, and a lot of which were appreciated by most movie-goers as shown by box office ratings and total worldwide grosses. In this paper, two movies about dancing are compared, Save the Last Dance (2001) and Black Swan (2001) which both show dancing as the driving force not just in the plot, but also in changing the lives of the characters portrayed. The dance films Save the Last Dance and Black Swan are high quality films that feature love of dance and how it is related to a person’s upbringing, social status, and character building. The two films are both considered to be high-quality films despite being labeled as independent films, or â€Å"indies† due to the high grosses during the release, the number of awards given to and nominated for, as well as the competence of the actors, the actress es, and the directors. In spite of having production budgets roughly around $10,000,000, both movies did very well in the box office and easily recovered the expenses incurred, with Save the Last Dance totaling a lifetime gross of $131, 706, 803 (Box Office Mojo – Save the Last Dance), and $329, 443, 368 for Black Swan (Box Office Mojo – Black Swan). ... It also won in the MTV Movie Awards in 2001 for Best Kiss (Julia Stiles and Sean Patrick Thomas) and Breakthrough Male Performance (Sean Patrick Thomas). Black Swan also received awards as well, not just from award-giving bodies in the United States, but also from around the world. Among these are: AFI Awards Movie of the Year (2011); Academy Awards Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role (Natalie Portman); Best Foreign Film in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Argentina; Excellence in Production Design Award from the Art Directors Guild; Blue Ribbon Award for Best Foreign Film; Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role (Natalie Portman); and the Venice Film Festival for Marcello Mastroianni Award (Mila Kunis) (Black Swan – Awards†). The number of awards received by the actors and actresses in the two movies attest to the excellent performance of the cast, and their skills in the portrayal of chara cters were able to carry the films through despite the considerably low budget for both films. Also, the actors and actresses were able to show their versatile acting skills that strongly convinced viewers of the emotions that were felt by the characters that they portray. Their skills were recognized not just by the award-giving bodies, but also the audiences that watched them, since it is a common fact that most films that were able to show true emotions win awards as well as the admiration of the audiences. Aside from the movies having good credentials, both for the directors as well as the actors that played in it, the plots were also convincing enough that many people can

Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommendation Systems (Netflix Research Paper

Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommendation Systems (Netflix Prize) - Research Paper Example We will also describe an incremental variant of the MF that effectively undertakes new users and rating that is fundamental within the real life recommender system. A hybrid MF-neighbor based method is further discussed in regard to advancing the prevailing performance of the MF. The proposed methods are mainly examined on the Netflix Prize dataset and mainly depict that they can be accomplish very favorable Quiz RMSE, which is the best sole method :0.8904, combination: 0.8841 and corresponding running time. The Netflix Prize competition of 2006 showed that the Matrix Factorization techniques are greater to archetypal closest-neighbour techniques in the production of product recommendations and lets the inclusion of extra material like inherent feedbacks, self-assurance levels and chronological effects. There are floods of choices for contemporary consumers. Electronic dealers and content suppliers offer a vast choice of products with exceptional openings to meet a range of distinct needs and preferences. As a trend observed of late, more retailers have had an exponential positive change in interest to many purchasers with the most fitting products which is vital in the enhancement of user content and loyalty. In so doing, it evaluates trends of customer interests to offer rather custom-made recommendations which are in accordance to customer preference (Ricci, 124-198). Netflix, an e-commerce leader has recommender structures as prominent fragments of its website that are observantly b eneficial for music, movies and TV shows. Quite a huge number of users will check a similar movie while each and every one of the users views various dissimilar movies. These users have shown the will to indicate their satisfaction levels with specific movies and thus a massive volume of data is available about what particular movies charm which users. Various known corporations analyze the available information to provide a recommendation on movies particular to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

English Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

English Assignment - Essay Example Due to the dynamic nature of dancing, many dance films were created to show the complexities in the lives of dancers, as well as how their lives were shaped or changed through dancing, and a lot of which were appreciated by most movie-goers as shown by box office ratings and total worldwide grosses. In this paper, two movies about dancing are compared, Save the Last Dance (2001) and Black Swan (2001) which both show dancing as the driving force not just in the plot, but also in changing the lives of the characters portrayed. The dance films Save the Last Dance and Black Swan are high quality films that feature love of dance and how it is related to a person’s upbringing, social status, and character building. The two films are both considered to be high-quality films despite being labeled as independent films, or â€Å"indies† due to the high grosses during the release, the number of awards given to and nominated for, as well as the competence of the actors, the actress es, and the directors. In spite of having production budgets roughly around $10,000,000, both movies did very well in the box office and easily recovered the expenses incurred, with Save the Last Dance totaling a lifetime gross of $131, 706, 803 (Box Office Mojo – Save the Last Dance), and $329, 443, 368 for Black Swan (Box Office Mojo – Black Swan). ... It also won in the MTV Movie Awards in 2001 for Best Kiss (Julia Stiles and Sean Patrick Thomas) and Breakthrough Male Performance (Sean Patrick Thomas). Black Swan also received awards as well, not just from award-giving bodies in the United States, but also from around the world. Among these are: AFI Awards Movie of the Year (2011); Academy Awards Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role (Natalie Portman); Best Foreign Film in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Argentina; Excellence in Production Design Award from the Art Directors Guild; Blue Ribbon Award for Best Foreign Film; Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role (Natalie Portman); and the Venice Film Festival for Marcello Mastroianni Award (Mila Kunis) (Black Swan – Awards†). The number of awards received by the actors and actresses in the two movies attest to the excellent performance of the cast, and their skills in the portrayal of chara cters were able to carry the films through despite the considerably low budget for both films. Also, the actors and actresses were able to show their versatile acting skills that strongly convinced viewers of the emotions that were felt by the characters that they portray. Their skills were recognized not just by the award-giving bodies, but also the audiences that watched them, since it is a common fact that most films that were able to show true emotions win awards as well as the admiration of the audiences. Aside from the movies having good credentials, both for the directors as well as the actors that played in it, the plots were also convincing enough that many people can

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Discuss the regulation of gene expression in HIV and the life cycle, Essay

Discuss the regulation of gene expression in HIV and the life cycle, and comment on the importance of these in the success - Essay Example Memory helper cells are differentially infected by the virus. The virus binds to the target cell using interactions between viral surface proteins (gp120) and cell surface proteins. The CD4 antigen, and the CXCR4 and CCR5 co-receptors on the host cell membrane are crucial in mediating viral entry into the cell. The interaction allows the viral and cellular membranes to fuse, so that the viral contents, including RNA and viral enzymes, enter the host cell. The viral capsid then uncoats and disassembles to release the 2 viral RNA strands, which are used to make complementary DNA by the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase. The virus cDNA is transported to the nucleus, where the viral integrase enzyme incorporates viral DNA into the host DNA, forming the provirus. The viral DNA genome remains latent in the cell for many years, as long as the T cell is quescent. The duration of latency is indefinite and varies based on the genetic makeup of the individual. When the T cell becomes activated by cytokines to carry out the immune response, the HIV provirus also becomes activated and starts transcription, leading to the formation of new viral particles (Moore and Stevenson, 2000). Regulation of gene expression of HIV The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) targets immune cells, specifically T helper cells, macrophages and dendritic cells. Upon entering the host immune cell, the virus RNA undergoes reverse transcription to form complementary DNA, which is then incorporated into the host genome. The viral DNA genome remains latent in the cell for many years. When the T cell is activated by cytokines to carry out the immune response, the HIV provirus also becomes activated and starts transcription, leading to the formation of new viral particles. Specifically, cytokines and antigens induce activation of NF-kB, which is a transcription factor that goes to the T cell nucleus and up-regulates the synthesis of pro-inflammatory proteins. The incorporated HIV genome also contains a site that can receive NF-kB and in response activate the gene promoter. Thus, the regulation of expression of HIV genes depends at least in part, on the activity state of the infected T cell, and transcription of HIV genes is regulated by cellular transcription factors (Robbin and Cotran, 2009). The genome of HIV contains codes for at least nine viral proteins. The structural proteins include Gag, Pol, and Env. The accessory proteins are Vpu, Vpr, Vif, and Nef. The regulatory proteinsare Tat and Rev, and they control the replication of the virus (Hope and Trono, 2000).The early genes are Tat, Rev, and Nef, and the rest are expressed late. The Tat protein is a transcriptional activator necessary for HIV replication. It promotes the elongation phase of HIV’s transcription, so that full-length, functional transcripts of the genome are produced. Rev is an RNA binding protein that acts post-transcriptionally to induce the transition from the early to the late, cytopathic phase of HIV gene expression (Cullen, 1991). It facilitates the export of unspliced and incompletely spliced viral RNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, which permits the production of viral late genes so that all the proteins for the full virion can be transcribed. How gene expression regulation and life cycle contribute to the success of HIV as a pathogen HIV-1 as a pathogen is found all over the world today, while HIV-2 is restricted to

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Pure Essence of the Individual Essay Example for Free

The Pure Essence of the Individual Essay Many stereotypes exist within the social context of today’s world that stem from old and new preconceived notions of the unfamiliar. For example, some stereotypes stress generalizations that pertain to the aspects of different cultures such as religion, behavior, and even down to the type of cuisine. These misconceptions generalize an entire group of people based off of one characteristic, not taking into account the individuality of each person. Stereotypes produced by the social world at times can lead to ignorance as well as bring light to how wrong the misconceptions are compared to the truth. Surrounded in the confusion, people than develop tainted perspectives about other cultures and even their own, often leading to struggles in self as well as cultural identity. In Amy Tan’s short story, A Pair of Tickets, the main character Jing-Mei struggles with her cultural and self-identity but ultimately learns to rethink her misconceptions leading to her understanding of what it truly means to be Chinese. In the first section of the story Tan introduces the main character Jing-Mei, accompanied by her elderly father Canning Woo on a train to Guangzhou in China where they will visit with some family that Canning has not seen since childhood. Throughout the train ride and even after the two arrived to Guangzhou and met the family, Jing-Mei possessed many stereotypical viewpoints about China and the Chinese culture. En route to Guangzhou, Jing-Mei reminisced about her mother, Suyuan who passed away three months ago, and how she would always remind her Chinese roots saying that someday the Chinese in her will finally be let out because when Jing-Mei was fifteen she would always deny that she had any Chinese in her. During these conversations, she said she felt herself transforming like a werewolf. In a way Jing-Mei felt that she would finally come to terms with her Chinese roots only by force. Tan informs the reader that aside from herself, even Jing-Mei’s Caucasian friends remarked that, â€Å"She was as Chinese as they were†, making it clear of Jing-Mei’s unawareness of and distance from her own culture. She also obtained her stereotypical point of view on the way Chinese people behave from her mother’s occasional display of personal quirks, such as haggling with store owners, picking her teeth in public and the choosing out of season colors to wear during the winter time. Along with comparing to the grotesque transformation from a human into a werewolf, she pictured herself starting to act in such a way describing it as a â€Å"syndrome† (189). Jing-Mei’s perceptions on Chinese culture get proven wrong once her and her father arrive in Guangzhou. When she disembarked the train she felt the need to remind herself that she was in China. The atmosphere to her felt like that in San Francisco; the pushing and rushing crowds within the station and the crowded lines of people waiting to go through customs (192). Once Jing-Mei and Canning Woo united with the family and arrived at the hotel, Jing-Mei grew even more shocked at the way the hotel looked referring to it as a â€Å"grandeur version of the Hyatt Regency† and once again she asked herself this was the communist China (194). The magnificent, modern and fancy atmosphere of the hotel surprised Jing-Mei because she expected to arrive to an area of lesser quality especially since she requested to the traveler agent to lodge somewhere that would only cost them forty dollars a night. She then became worried about the expense as well as being judged as a typical spoiled American not able to go one night without luxury. When dinner time rolled around, Jing-Mei expected to finally try her first authentic Chinese feast but to her surprise, her relatives chose to eat hamburgers, French fries and apple pie, a stereotypical American dinner (195). As time passed during her visit in China, Jing-Mei began to grow more interested with her family roots. One night she overheard Canning Woo and her aunt, Aiyi, having a conversation about her mother, Suyuan, and her search to find her twin daughters from her previous marriage. Engaging herself in the conversation Jing-Mei learned more about her mother’s suffering and sacrifice during the Japanese occupation in China in 1949. She was curious as to what the names of her two half-sisters were and meant as well as her mother’s name, and eventually Jing-Mei questioned her father about the meaning of her own name; learn ing the special meaning behind the names her mother gave her and her twin sisters and her beautiful poetical nature (199-200). After Canning Woo told his daughter the intimate story of Suyuan’s hardship and sacrifice in giving up her two twin daughters during the occupation, Jing-Mei grew anxious in meeting her two sisters once she and Canning Woo departed Guangzhou for Shanghai. She dreaded the arrival feeling that her sisters would somehow blame her for Suyuan’s death in that she did not appreciate her mother. When Jing-Mei finally met her sisters for the first time a beautiful moment occurred as she saw two faces that resembled her mother waving and greeting her that arrived and faded. With great joy the sisters united and held each other capturing the moment with a Polaroid camera. Once the picture came transformed the plane gray surface before their eyes, the girls saw that each of them looked like Suyuan and realized that her dream of being with her daughters had finally come true (201).The three sisters embodied their own individuality as well as their mother. In her trip to China, Jing-Mei discovered what her mother meant about experiencing what it meant to be Chinese through their family history and also gained a sense of self identity. She grew to understand the importance of her family in correlation with their culture; that the resilience and strength that ran through the veins of her relatives now run through hers discovering her heritage. Jing-Mei’s journey from America to China resembled her own personal journey in finding herself as well as understanding her roots. By learning from her family past, she was able to discover her true self and understand her own culture as well. In the beginning of the story Jing-Mei’s perceptions of being Chinese clouded her ability to understand her heritage as well as herself as an individual. She denied her Chinese roots since her teenage years and never understood what her mother meant in that someday the Chinese in her blood will be set free. In choosing to leave her comfort zone in San Francisco, Jing-Mei began her journey in discovering that her preconceived notions of her own culture were different than reality, causing her to dive deeper into her own past so that she could find and understanding of where she came from. By the end of the story the trip had caused Jin-Mei to see her heritage as well as the view of herself differently. Like Jing-Mei, many people become accustomed to stereotypes because they help explain that which we cannot clearly understand. Such stereotypes can cause misapprehension towards others but more importantly towards us. By choosing to leave the comfort of invalid certainty, Jin-Mei found that her heritage meant more than eating authentic Chinese meals and arguing with storeowners. In finding the truth about her culture, she found the importance of herself as an individual. By stripping away the generalizations and false notions that stereotypes engrain in our perspective, we then can then distinguish the pure essence of what it truly means to be an individual.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Trader Joes Marketing Plan Marketing Essay

The Trader Joes Marketing Plan Marketing Essay Trader Joes is one of the most successful grocery store chains in United States. The brand started as a small convenience store in Los Angeles and has grown to be one of the most recognizable brands selling organic and high quality products. The trademark difference between Trader Joes from their competitions, especially Whole Food Market, is stocking and selling the product produced by Trader Joes. By that, they have responsibility on their product and they do not need to pay the fee to any manufactures, or third party companies, so they will keep the price at affordable for the customer. It is undeniable that Trade Joe is widely recognized as one of Americas successful and trustworthy brands. However, due to the high cost of living, consumers today are watching their budget. Through this marketing plan, we want to make Trader Joes a well-known grocery store in youth adult market not only by the high quality product but also by the affordable price to bring in customers, and to successful in the new segment. Introduction The owner, Joe Coulombe, opened trader Joes in 1958 in Pasadena, California. At that time, Trader Joes were named Pronto Markets, the popular convenience stores at that time. In the following decades, Trader Joes expanded to locations throughout the United States. Trader Joes recent annual earnings were estimated to be $9.5 billion in sale in fiscal 2012 (ends June), up about $1 billion from a year earlier. In order to generate such a return of profit, Trader Joes has been using all means to keep down expenses, such as implementing no service departments which may reduce renting costs. Trader Joes sells all types of food and non-food items and is well-known for more than two thousands private-label products under its brand name, which counts for about 70% of the annual sale. Not only selling daily consumed food such as freshly picked and organic fruits and vegetables, bread, milk, juices, Trader Joes also provides other frozen or ready-to-serve products. For instance: spreads, gourmet cheese, frozen meat and other ethnic food ranging from Italian, Hispanic to Chinese, Indian etc. Nonfood items are available as well, such as Trade Joes soap, vitamins, lotions and creams. With alcohol selling permit, like other grocery stores, Trade Joes also carries beer and wine. One of its most famous selections is its wine brand Charles Shaw, which is often called as Two Buck Chuck, because of affordable price. Nowadays, with almost 400 stores across the country, Trade Joes has made its company image as high quality food, a one-stop for all with full of shopping ease and conveniences. Marketing Analysis TARGET MARKET Targeting at office professionals aged 18 to mid-40s with annual income around $35,000 to $60,000 as primary market; Trader Joe is looking at consumers who are in the middle stage of their life. Those would be more ecologically conscious about healthiness of the food they consume. This target market tends to eat locally and spends more on groceries. A lot of them are vegetarians and require their food to be gluten-free. The above primary group is finalized as Trade Jose company adding two sub-groups when studying their target market. The first sub-group is young professionals and the second one is the current target demographics of the growing multinational population and people who tend to buy food from vending machines Trade Joes also plans to have a secondary target market of those born between the early 1980s to early 2000s. This generation is considered in the marketing plan because they are most likely willing to buy healthy and organic products. Since this young population has been adapted to nowadays fast-paced life, they are more critical with time and demand more convenience. CONSUMER/SOCIAL FACTOR On current movement, people prefer the organic and healthy food and they support local business, local farmer market. They willing to go for unique or store brand instead of big brand names as long as it promote healthy products, ingredients, and ethical, green production process. In other hand, the customer now prepares for them enough knowledge about nutrition, so they are so picky on their choice. Moreover, due to the high living cost, the customer also watches their budget for grocery. COMPETITIVE FACTOR The primary competitor of Trader Joes is Whole Food market. Marketing Plan Trader Joes is successful in United States by their high quality product and good service. However, Trader Joes needs specifically targeted marketing goals and strategies in order to succeed in target customer. MARKETING OBJECTIVE Through the marketing plan, Trader Joes will reach their target customer through social media. Moreover, this plan will help the company raise their awareness in new adult, from 18 to 33 years old market by 30 percent over six months period through social media and advertising. MARKETING RESEARCH Trader Joes does not use any kind of advertising form. The company follows their low profile in core philosophy; they eschew advertising agencies and television completely. Trader Joes use their employee and customer serves as an ambassador of the brand, or using the Word by Mouth strategy. Therefore, the company leans on the current customer database and however, they are attracting the new customer in a passive way, especially the young adult who uses social media regularly. PRICING For competitively with other competitors, Trader Joes should have a good pricing strategy. This strategy would keep their product at a competitive price but still have a quality of the product. For some product like grocery, base on the local farm, we can use the discount, or the sale to make the price lower than competitors. SALE PROMOTION For attracting more customers, Trader Joes would have weekly sale promotion in store, and post in the Facebook or Twitter or do The Fearless Flyer. The unique of the Fearless Flyer is in that flyer, Trader Joes not only consists the advertising of their in store promotion at that moment, but also include the recipe, the tips for cooking. Therefore, the customer when receive that flyer, they tend to read a whole flyer and keep it if they think it useful. PUBLIC RELATIONS One of the primaries of Trader Joes, the Whole Food Market is very good in public relation. They donate their food in the local food bank every week, and of course, they receive the award and certificate for that good will. However, if Trader Joes step in this charity, it would be late, and it doesnt help to increase the fame. So I would recommend another plan, like support the after school program, the senior living or sponsor for some organization like breast cancer, marathon 2Kà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Our target market is a youth adult, who cares about their environment and social. So if we keep doing this strategy, I believe that we will catch their attention and bring more customers to our store because they will realize that their spending money would help them back by our program support for their children, their parent or their grandparents. INTERNET/SOCIAL MEDIA Our target is the youth adult, who was born in the technology decade, and the best way to catch their attention is using their own way. They using Facebook or Twitter like the primary way to communicate with each other. The first thing is Trader Joes have to open social media account. Then for attracting they follow us on Facebook or Twitter; Trader Joe should release any coupon or special sale in store and if they want to get these coupons, they have to follow or like the fan page. By that, we will have a fan on social media, and for any update, any news from Trader Joes, this fan base would the first one who receive that news and expand it. Moreover, Trader Joe website and fan page can build awareness about its own brand by updating the social support, the new product, or any helpful information like recipe and nutrition chart for the product. Executing and Implementing the Marketing Plan BUDGET ALLOCATION Trader joes company. (2013). (). Austin, United States, Austin: Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Light In the Forest Essay -- essays research papers

It is the fall of 1764, and the relations between white settlers of western Pennsylvania and Indians of the Ohio area are strained. Nevertheless, the ambitious white Colonel Bouquet and his troop of 1,500 men march into Indian country and demand the return of whites who have been kidnapped by the Delaware Indians. True Son, a fifteen-year-old white boy who has been raised by Indians since the age of four, is one of the white prisoners who is going to be returned. True Son loves his Indian way of life and considers himself to be Indian; he has been raised to view whites as enemies and cannot imagine living with them. But although the Indians love their adopted white relatives, they agree to give them back so that they will be able to keep their land. True Son's stoic Indian father, Cuyloga, whom he idolizes, forces his stubborn and resistant son to leave with the white soldiers. On the trip to Pennsylvania, True Son is placed under the care of Del, a strong white frontiersman who understands the Delaware, or Lenni Lenapi, language since he grew up near Indians. During the march, True Son is very depressed and considers committing suicide by eating the root of a May apple. Del prevents him from doing so and eventually True Son gives up the idea when his Indian cousin, Half Arrow, meets up with the party and walks along with True Son and their friend, Little Crane, whose wife is also among the white captives. The three laugh together and speak of the strange ways of white peopl...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Culinary Arts Essay

Culinary Arts is a broad field that contains many different specializations. Culinary Arts is something that will never go away, you have to eat everyday to live and lead a healthy life. Food as we know is essential for the growth and maintenance of the human body. Culinary Arts enhances your knowledge of life skills and cooking. Being in the Culinary Arts career field you have to have a specific set of skills to make delicious appetizing meals. For example you have to follow safe food handling procedures, learn the dos and don’ts of food safety and sanitation. see more:why do you want to be a chef Learning the proper knife skills is one of the first things you learn in culinary arts; knowing the proper cutting techniques. Something I didn’t know about Culinary Arts was that a Pastry Chef is the number one culinary careers. Pastry Chefs are skilled in the making of pastries, desserts, breads and other baked goods. I Chose Culinary Arts because I always aspired to be a chef since I was a child. I’ve always wanted to start my own restaurant or little bakery to show off my culinary skills. My FootPath) Culinary Arts started off as a work of apprenticeship, daughters would learn recipes from their mothers, and traditional recipes passed on through oral history. The first academic Culinary Arts program was started back in 1800. The Boston Cooking School was emphatically popular drawing a vast amount of international students. The Boston Cooking School was founded by the Woman’s Educational Association of Boston. They started the school to offer instruction in cooking to those who wished to earn their livelihood as cooks, or who would make practical use of such information in their families or business. One of Boston’s most famous students was Fannie Merrit Farmer; she published the world’s first cookbook in 1896. â€Å"The Boston Cooking School Cookbook† which is still a reference book for students of Culinary Arts today. Ernie Kovacs hosted the first televised cooking show â€Å"Deadline for Dinner† (aka â€Å"Dead Lions for Breakfast† as Ernie liked to call it). The show premiered on Monday, March 20, 1950 at 3 pm for a half-hour. The show aired on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. (Broad Casting Pioneers) There are millions of people in this world, but what sets individuals apart from one another, it is our personal qualities and characteristics. We come from different backgrounds. However, everyone has one special quality that makes him or, her a unique individual, different from anyone else. For me it’s my passion for cooking. Most people would not consider cooking a quality, but for me it is. Ever since I was a child, watching my grandmother and my great grandmother cook, they are the ones that gave me aspirations to pursue a career as a chef. With the time and effort they put in the kitchen their food is always delicious. I started out at two years old, going to get my grandmother ingredients and her cooking utensils. As she would measure out her ingredients she would let me pour it into what it was she was cooking. I used to stand on a stool just so I could stir the food as it cooked and sometimes when she wasn’t looking I would try to add my own little ingredients. As I got old around four or five that’s when she taught me how to make simple things such as cereal and milk, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and sometimes she would get a little advanced and show me how to make soups, desserts and show me some of her special recipes that she wouldn’t show anyone else. Even though I was to young to make them or remember them I felt special because she shared something special to her that she wouldn’t share with anyone else. I would always be the first person up in the morning climbing on the counters like a little monkey getting the cereal off the top of the refrigerator, and getting a two bowls out of the cupboard just so I could make me and my brother breakfast every morning. I was always there when anyone was cooking in the kitchen; I was very curious, ready to learn something new, and ready to give my assistances to anyone who needed it. My favorite foods to cook till this day is desserts, but anything I could get my hands on to cook I surly would no questions asked. I have a clear vision of my career goals, and after high school I will attend the culinary arts program at the Raleigh-Durham Art Institute. There culinary arts program comprises exactly the skills and tools I need to succeed in becoming a Pastry Chef, and starting my entrepreneurship. Because I am determined and focused, I do not need anything more than the training and education the Art Institutes will provide. I have visited there campus and viewed some of their classes, they have a extraordinary culinary arts program. They focus mainly on cooking; The Art Institute does not waste time on classes that won’t help you excel in life, that’s why I know The Art Institute is the perfect school for me to shine and show off my culinary skills. First, because I know exactly how I want to apply my new skills, I do not need any extraneous courses. The Art Institute program perfectly reflects my own pragmatism and professional sensibility because it is focused and directly related to my goals. Second, I do not want to alter my lifestyle by engaging in a four-year program. I want to incorporate this education into my life seamlessly and smoothly. The Culinary Arts program will allow me to express myself creatively and professionally in the field of my choice. This program offers practical education and training that I can immediately apply to the workplace, preferably as a Pastry-chef in my own restaurant. The Art institute provides a seven-quarter culinary arts program, which prepares their students for various careers in the food industry field. The program includes simulated situations and real-world production applications in the dining lab and in internship environments. The Art Institute focuses on enabling there students to be well-rounded citizens by offering them a few general study classes in the culinary program. The Art Institute has a steep tuition which is 42,570 a year. Apply for financial Aid, and scholarships will cut down the tuition expense. There are also three other fees that include books and digital resources, program fees, and room and board if you plan on living on campus. This all together adds up to a total of 29,410 in addition to the tuition. This is assuming that I would do the four year program in earning my bachelors degree. Even though the expenses are lofty I still aspire to attend The Art Institute. (The Art Institute of Raleigh-Durham) The Art Institute has a career service department that provides assistance in employment, career counseling, and professional development. Their staff helps students and graduates network, cultivate, explore career opportunities, and provides individualized job search assistance. Many students choose to seek part-time employment while they attend school. This employment is an excellent opportunity to make industry contacts while building a portfolio of work. The Art Institute is the all around perfect school, you gain an astounding education, along with individual assistance with finding a job while your attending school, or after you completed the culinary program.